When you consider how normalized consuming alcohol is within American society, it is no wonder that identifying drinking problems has become so complicated. Everywhere we look, it seems that alcohol is somehow involved. Movie theaters are now offering alcoholic beverages, and there are even movies made solely about the comedic value of getting belligerently intoxicated. With this glorification of the regular consumption of alcohol, of course, trying to figure out when drinking has become a concern is a muddled process.
While this process can be confusing, there are many clear indications of the presence of a drinking problem within a person’s life. Realizing that you or a loved one may have a problem can not only be surprising but daunting as well. Despite these complicated feelings, there are many helpful resources available to learn more and get help. No matter what the circumstance, many accessible options can meet a person’s needs.
Inability to Control How Much You Drink
In a social situation in which drinking alcohol is acceptable, having a drink or two is often the norm. However, for some, refraining from drinking after one or two drinks may feel nearly impossible. Even if one plans on stopping after a certain amount and finds that they cannot attain this goal, this is problematic behavior.
Lying About Drinking
When people find themselves unable to control their urges to drink, often this can be accompanied by lying to conceal their unwanted alcohol consumption. In order to seem in control of their behaviors and desires to drink, some may lie to their friends, family and co-workers as a form of self-protection. Lying about such behaviors may serve as a temporary solution, but this indicates a more significant personal issue.
Drinking Affects Your Job or Family Life
In some circumstances, concerning drinking habits may affect peoples’ personal lives. If drinking has prohibited a person from fulfilling responsibilities at their job or in their relationships, this is an indicator of an issue. Letting down loved ones and colleagues can be incredibly disheartening. If an individual finds themselves in this position, there are ways to help change this situation.
You’ve Gotten Injured from Drinking
Alcohol has been known to cause disorienting effects to the mind and body, especially when consumed in larger amounts. Stumbling and tripping from too much alcohol consumption is concerning, but injuries caused by severe alcohol consumption are significantly worrying. When drinking interferes with a person’s physical well-being and general safety, it may be time to consider getting help.
How Many People Have a Problem with Drinking?
In 2019, it was reported by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism that roughly 25.8% of people in the United States had a binge drinking disorder at one time or another throughout their lives. Considering that many people do not consider their drinking to be a problem, the odds are that this number does not accurately reflect the number of drinking problems within the U.S. Although this is a common issue for many people, it does not mean that all hope is lost. Recognizing this potential concern is a very powerful moment in someone’s journey. By accepting reality, they are inviting the potential for inspirational, beautiful change to enter their life.
The Next Steps
If you decide that you have a problem and would like to quit drinking, there are many options available to you. A popular program amongst those in recovery are 12-step programs. These programs focus on acknowledging the addiction, how it impacts your life, the driving forces behind the addiction, and the recognition of trusting that something bigger in life has control. 12-step programs are typically held in a group format to show individuals that they are not alone and form supportive bonds with one another. These meetings are offered multiple times a week to accommodate busy lifestyles.
Another common form of therapy that has proven very beneficial is individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In this method, individuals become aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves in their minds. Over time, the individual becomes able to replace these thoughts with new, positive thoughts and beliefs that align with their true values. Having this therapy method be an individual experience allows the person to concentrate and perhaps more comfortably access vulnerable depths within their thoughts and emotions.
While for some, drinking may be a fun, ordinary part of life, it is a significant cause for concern for others. Although this recognition may be alarming and frightening to process, it is also a cause for relief. Through acknowledging this concern, you can find comfort in the fact that you have the power and tools ahead of you to transform your life. Through our programs here at Pineland Recovery Center of Medford located in Medford, New Jersey, we can help you find the relief you may have been waiting for. At our facility, we offer many different treatment modalities so that you can find what works best for your personal needs. Our options include CBT, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 12-step facilitation therapy, acceptance & commitment therapy and family behavior therapy. When you are ready, we are here to help you throughout your journey. Call us today at (877) 557-5372 to learn more.