Depression and Addiction
Depression and Addiction’s Dangerous Cycle Every now and then, people experience the blues. After a stressful day at work, relationship issues...

Suicide and Addiction
The Link Between Suicide and Addiction Addiction can cause a wide range of health problems. Not only can it deteriorate a...

Trauma and Addiction
Are Trauma and Addiction Related? According to SAMHSA, trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances experienced...

Anxiety and Addiction
Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked? Addiction always stems from a root cause. Mental health and addiction are very intertwined. Sometimes, this...

Can Anxiety Cause Addiction?
What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a disorder that affects millions of people. It is defined as: “a nervous disorder characterized by...

My Anxiety Keeps Me From Reaching Out, Can You Help?
Anxiety and Addiction Many people with anxiety are also living with addiction. In fact, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association...

I have Depression and I am Addicted, What Gets Treated First?
Depression and Addiction If you are suffering from addiction, you are more than likely also suffering from another trauma, as well....

Trauma Informed Care
How trauma affects addiction Trauma comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. The most important part about dealing with trauma is...