The Benefits of Music on Mental Health
- July 25, 2022
- Pinelands Recovery Center Staff
- Journal
Updated on 4/13/2023 Music plays a vital role in our daily lives. It brings about a sense of deep connection and...

Do I Need Inpatient Residential Treatment, or Can I Treat My Addiction at Home?
- April 18, 2022
- Pinelands Recovery Center Staff
- Journal
Content reviewed by Christian Losch, LCSW, LCADC, CEO of Pinelands The field of mental health and addiction recovery treatment is on...

Why People Drink Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism
- March 22, 2021
- Pinelands Recovery Center Staff
- Journal
The cause of alcohol use disorder (AUD) may range from various factors, including environmental factors, mental health disorders and more. There...

How to Beat Addiction
- December 17, 2020
- Pinelands Recovery Center Staff
- Journal
Addiction is defined as “a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior or activity having harmful physical,...

How To Stay Mentally Healthy In Quarantine
In this time of quarantine and self-isolation, it is essential to maintain your mental health. By taking time out of your...

Minorities Dealing with Substance Abuse and Mental Health
The country’s systematic health and social inequalities predispose some American minorities to mental health issues and substance abuse disorders. This means...

Recovery During the Holidays
There is no holiday party so vital that you should risk your sobriety. Contrary to popular belief, the holidays do not...

Suicide and Addiction
The Link Between Suicide and Addiction Addiction can cause a wide range of health problems. Not only can it deteriorate a...