Do Relapse Prevention Programs Lower Your Chances of Drug and Alcohol Relapse?

Do Relapse Prevention Programs Lower Your Chances of Drug and Alcohol Relapse?

Content reviewed by Christian Losch, LCSW, LCADC, CEO of Pinelands Most research on addiction identifies substance use disorder (SUD) as a...

How Do Alumni Programs Help Recovery & Prevent Relapse?

How Do Alumni Programs Help Recovery & Prevent Relapse?

Content reviewed by Christian Losch, LCSW, LCADC, CEO of Pinelands Alumni programs are an important part of recovery for all individuals...

Knowing Your Body While Sober

Knowing Your Body While Sober

Pinelands: Content reviewed by Christian Losch, LCSW, LCADC, CEO of Pinelands Addiction is a complex disease that significantly impacts a person’s...

What to Do After a Relapse

What to Do After a Relapse

Updated on 01/25/24 Content reviewed by Christian Losch, LCSW, LCADC Relapse does not mean that your recovery journey has failed. For...


What To Do After You Relapse

Updated on 2/6/2025 Recovery is a difficult journey with many ups and downs. Depending on how your path is going, you...


The Warning Signs of Relapse

Updated on 1/31/2023 When someone relapses, it is commonly believed that it was a rash decision that came out of nowhere....

Talking to Family About the Treatment Process After You're Home

Talking to Family About the Treatment Process After You’re Home

Talking to Family About the Treatment Process After You’re Home When you or a loved one has made the decision to...

Feeling Like a Disappointment: Self-Care in the Recovery Process

Feeling Like a Disappointment: Self-Care in the Recovery Process

Addiction Recovery and Self Care When you have been in the throes of addiction and decide to finally get help, chances...

How to Provide Support to a Loved One In Recovery

How to Provide Support to a Loved One In Recovery

Ways You Can Provide Support to a Loved One In Recovery Chances are it has been a long, hard road to...

I Keep Relapsing, Why?

Why Do I Keep Relapsing? You finally made the decision to get sober and receive treatment for your addiction. You went...