The Importance of a Structured Daily Routine in Recovery
- October 17, 2020
- Pinelands Recovery Center Staff
- Journal
Leaving a treatment facility can be a time of excitement, overwhelming emotions and curiosity about the future. It can also be...

Talking to Friends After Treatment
After completing addiction treatment, individuals may need to navigate various changes in their friendships. Setting boundaries is one of the most...

How to Ask Family for Support During the Holidays
How to Ask Family for Support During the Holidays Holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, however, they can...

Preparing for the Holidays While in Recovery
Preparing for the Holidays While in Recovery The holiday season is quickly approaching – and despite being billed the most wonderful...

How to Provide Support to a Loved One In Recovery
Ways You Can Provide Support to a Loved One In Recovery Chances are it has been a long, hard road to...

I Keep Relapsing, Why?
Why Do I Keep Relapsing? You finally made the decision to get sober and receive treatment for your addiction. You went...

12 Step Support
What Are The 12 Steps? The 12 Step Support Program is the most widely-used method of support during substance abuse recovery....

Staying Sober Around the Holidays
Updated on 12/05/23 The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful....

Exercise and Recovery
Endorphins, endorphins, endorphins Exercise is a proven stress reliever! If you suffer from anxiety or depression, exercise can be a perfect...