How to Talk to Insurance Companies About Treatment
How to Talk to Insurance Companies About Treatment You are finally ready to get treatment for your addiction. Chances are, you...

Talking to Friends After Treatment
After completing addiction treatment, individuals may need to navigate various changes in their friendships. Setting boundaries is one of the most...

Beginning Treatment During the Holiday Season
Whether at the strong urging of your loved ones or by your own behest, you’ve decided to finally get treatment for...

Residential vs Outpatient: Which is Right for Me?
Residential vs Outpatient: Which is Right for Me? When you’re making the decision of which kind of treatment center to begin,...

Types of Opioid Treatment Options
Types of Opioid Treatment Options Over 2.5 million Americans suffer from opioid use disorder which contributed to over 28,000 overdose deaths...

What is Inpatient Treatment Like in Rehab?
What to Expect in Inpatient Treatment Making the decision to finally go to inpatient treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction...

Indicators of High-Quality Addiction Treatment
With approximately 20.6 million individuals in the United States 12 years and older with a substance abuse disorder in 2011 and...

How Do I Convince My Loved One to Seek Treatment?
I Need To Convince My Loved One To Seek Treatment Most people suffering from addiction are unable to completely stop on...

Why Trust Matters in Recovery with Treatment Providers
Why Does Trust Matter? When in a drug or alcohol treatment center, many clients feel as if all they need to...

Why is having strong support around me during treatment so important?
The Importance of Strong Support When someone enters treatment for their addiction, it can be a very lonely time. This is...